Our CEO, Kevin Cooley, joins Mark Amtower on his Federal News Network podcast, Amtower Off Center. Kevin shares a little bit about what makes RMC a player in the Navy’s RDT&E community and how we are differentiating ourselves, and even makes a few predictions about the future.
You can listen to the podcast through the following channels:
Federal News Network: https://federalnewsnetwork.com/podcast/how-to-become-a-player-in-the-navy-rdte-world/
PodcastOne: https://www.podcastone.com/episode/How-to-become-a-player-in-the-Navy-RDTE-world
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-become-a-player-in-the-navy-rdt-e-world/id1393078930?i=1000548299955